Thursday, November 19, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 13

I am a little behind this week because I was out of town the past weekend so I did not get much homework done over the weekend. Because of this I have been catching up all week and consequently was not able to do a lot of the reading for this week. I did the storytelling though. I really enjoyed doing the storytelling this week. My story was based off of “Mira’s Bridegroom” from the Indian Fables and Folklore by Shovona Devi. My favorite thing about this story was the innocence and simplicity of it. It about a young girl who gets a doll as a gift from her father. She begins to form a strong attachment to the doll even as she grows up. I made my story more into a romantic story and intertwined a little Alladin in it. It was fun to write it. 

My other classes are going well so far. Thanksgiving is next week and then finals will be here before I know it. I am a little stressed out about finals. I am trying to finish this course a little early so that I can save time to study for my other classes but because of busy schedule, it has been a little difficult. Hopefully before dead I can get this class done. I will miss this class though. I have enjoyed reading the stories and fables. I took mythology and folklore class semester, which is taught by the same instructor Laura Gibbs. I enjoy these kind of courses because not only do you get to manage your time but get to also learn a lot from the stories. I have not really noticed any connections between this class and my other classes. My other classes are all science and psychology courses so they do not really have a lot in common with an Indians Epic class. 

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you're feeling! I am falling behind as well because I didn’t get much done the past weekend either. I was kind of distracted all of yesterday because of the football game and ended up sleeping in way too late today. I too would also like to get this class done with before dead week gets here, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get all of that done in time.
