Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 8

Since we did not have reading this week, I am going to talk about the reading last week. The reading last week went well. I actually included one of the readings from last week into my portfolio – the story about the God Krishna’s childhood. I chose this story because it stood out to me the most. I found it very interesting and entertaining and it fit well into my theme for my portfolio. My theme for my portfolio is a gossip theme. The God Krishna endures a lot of turmoil and drama so it was not hard making him the main focus of my portfolio.
The best writing I did last week was in my Social Psychology. I do my best writing in this class because I have written many psychology papers and therefore have kind of mastered it. I did not say that my best writing was in this Epics of India because I am not a creative writer. It takes me awhile to think up of ideas.
I have read many great stories from my classmates. What made some of my classmates’ stories amazing was how they creatively modernized it. It made it more interesting and relatable. Sometimes it is hard to understand Indian epics just because the culture in it is foreign so when you make it more relatable to the reader it is easier to read and understand.
Things are going well in my other courses. Because I taking mainly science and psychology courses there are not a lot of similarities among them and my Epics of Indian course. The only connection I can form is that in my courses I am required to read chapters for my classes and take notes. The notes help me recall main points of the chapter. I do this in Epics of Indian as well. I take notes of the stories I read so that I can look back at it.


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